---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Comic Chat README May 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996 This document provides information to supplement the Comic Chat Web Page. ------------------------ How to Use This Document ------------------------ To view readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS -------- Comic Chat Overview Supported Configurations/Platforms Connecting to other IRC Chat rooms Turning off Comic Chat data Frequently Asked Question --------- Supported configurations/platforms: Comic Chat currently runs under Windows 95. When Comic Chat is delivered, it will also run under Windows NT 4.0. Comic Chat requires a minimum configuration of a 486, 8mb, 256 color with a 9600 baud modem. Connecting to other IRC Chat rooms: If you want to connect to IRC chat that you already know about, you can do this by entering the server name under Server in the expanded dialog box. You will also need to enter the channel name under Channel, proceeded by a # sign. For example, under Server the default entry is ComicSrv1.Microsoft.com, under Channel, the default entry is #Comic_Chat or #Eliza. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS *Will you be updating Comic Chat? We will be updating our Web site frequently and will let you know when new updates are available. * How can I tell what version of Comic Chat I am running? From the Comic Chat Help menu, look in About Microsoft Comic Chat. *Can I create my own comic characters? At this time you will only be able to use the characters that supplied with Microsoft Comic Chat. We will be adding new characters throughout the beta. *Can I create my own backgrounds? We are supplying a limited number of backgrounds with the beta, we will add more soon. *Why don't all the characters have gestures? Not all the characters have been articulated. When you go to the Options, Choose Character menu, you can see what gestures the character has before you choose it as your character. *Does Comic Chat run under Windows NT 4.0? Comic Chat currently runs on Windows 95. In the next few weeks we will be releasing Comic Chat for Windows NT 4.0. *How does the emotion wheel (lower righthand corner) work? *How can I tell characters apart when there are duplicate characters? By moving the mouse over the character and pausing, a dialog with the user name and character will come up. *How do I print? Go to the File Menu, Select Print menu, choose Properties, Graphics. Change the resolution to 150 or 300 bps. This will speed up printing and still provide high quality. *How long to download? 14.4 baud Modem Approximately 13 minutes 19.2 baud Modem Approximately 10 minutes 28.8 baud Modem Approximately 8 minutes *How much space does Comic Chat take up? Comic Chat application and existing artwork is currently 2.3 mb, subsequent updates of artwork and characters will increase the size. *Can I uninstall Comic Chat? Yes, through Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs.